
Hello! Thanks for stopping by Goodnight Debt. I’m Kate, an early 30s professional living in the Midwest, USA. I live in the suburbs with my darling husband. Around here, I call him Hubs.

I started this blog to chronicle my journey to get out of debt, build a strong financial foundation all while developing a better relationship with money.

I have what I consider to be a dysfunctional relationship with money. It all started early in my life. My parents divorced when I was still in diapers and it took many years of insecurity for both my parents to land on their feet. My dad started his own business and used risk to his advantage to build a nice life. His fast and loose relationship with money, however, left me feeling like I was one step away from a  financial disaster.

This early trauma contributed to my money hoarding habits and complete aversion to debt. I saved and saved nearly everything I’ve ever earned or been given. I made it through college debt-free, but my debt-free status ended when I entered law school. I graduated with $45,330.87 in federal student loans.

After I paid off my student loans, and then our car loans, I’ve shifted my attention to mindful consumption as I continue to save and invest.

Please join me on my journey!

6 thoughts on “About

  1. Nice work on killing that debt! I had big, bad college loans too. The day I made the last payment is one of those days I’ll never forget.

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